Talk about a close call! This is a great example of God's intervention to save lives! Psalm 34:7, "The angel of the Lord stays close around those who fear Him, and He takes them out of trouble."
The only reason any of us on this planet have protection, is because Jesus Christ shed His blood for all. Because of His sacrifice for every person that has and will ever live, He overcame Satan, and therefore He sends us blessing after blessing, intervention after intervention in our lives. Many times we are not aware of His watch care, but other times He gives us glimpses of what He does on our behalf.
Right before Israel was delivered out of Egypt, they were instructed by God to put the blood of a spotless Lamb on the door posts of their homes, and the death angel would PASSOVER their home without inflicting death upon their firstborn. That blood represented the blood of the true sacrificial Lamb, Jesus Christ. Everyone that followed God's instructions was spared from losing their firstborn son. When you accept Jesus Christ, you are spared from eternal death. Jesus give you His perfect righteousness to replace your sin. He then changes your heart, and fits you for heaven. At the moment you ask Him for forgiveness and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you stand before God as perfect, because He then sees Jesus in you. Jesus actually lives in you through the Holy Spirit!
Think about all the blessings you take for granted, and then thank Jesus for His sacrifice that made it all possible!
Our Heavenly Father sends His angels to protect even the birds, the vegetation and all the things and people God brings into our lives. Thank You Jesus, Heavenly Father and Holy Spirit!
From TheBlaze:

Just-released footage from the deadly tornado in Henryville, Ind. captures the moment the twister ripped through a school bus and sent it smashing into a building.
(Related: Terrifying Security Footage Reveals Moment Tornado Tore Apart Indiana High School)
A video camera aboard the school bus was rolling when the tornado hit, just moments after the bus driver and 11 elementary students fled to safety, according to Indiana’s NewsCenter.
The video begins with a still-intact bus as wind and debris quickly swirl. Audio of the bus driver reveals her giving directions to students.
“A tornado is on the ground guys. Quiet! The tornado is on the ground,” driver Angel Perry is heard saying. “Everybody stay together, all our group together, right now, go, go, go!”
According to Indianapolis ABC affiliate WRTV-TV, Perry was three miles from the school with the students on board when reports of a funnel cloud came in over the radio.
“I stopped the bus for a second, put my hands down and said, ‘Dear Lord, what do I do?’” Perry told the station. She turned the bus around and headed back for the school, where she’s heard counting students as they run into the building.
About three minutes later, the 36,000-pound bus was blown away, first slamming into a car and then lifted and carried across the road, where it crashed into a diner, WRTV reported.
God's best 2 U, Joy J
The only reason any of us on this planet have protection, is because Jesus Christ shed His blood for all. Because of His sacrifice for every person that has and will ever live, He overcame Satan, and therefore He sends us blessing after blessing, intervention after intervention in our lives. Many times we are not aware of His watch care, but other times He gives us glimpses of what He does on our behalf.
Right before Israel was delivered out of Egypt, they were instructed by God to put the blood of a spotless Lamb on the door posts of their homes, and the death angel would PASSOVER their home without inflicting death upon their firstborn. That blood represented the blood of the true sacrificial Lamb, Jesus Christ. Everyone that followed God's instructions was spared from losing their firstborn son. When you accept Jesus Christ, you are spared from eternal death. Jesus give you His perfect righteousness to replace your sin. He then changes your heart, and fits you for heaven. At the moment you ask Him for forgiveness and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you stand before God as perfect, because He then sees Jesus in you. Jesus actually lives in you through the Holy Spirit!
Think about all the blessings you take for granted, and then thank Jesus for His sacrifice that made it all possible!
Our Heavenly Father sends His angels to protect even the birds, the vegetation and all the things and people God brings into our lives. Thank You Jesus, Heavenly Father and Holy Spirit!
From TheBlaze:

Just-released footage from the deadly tornado in Henryville, Ind. captures the moment the twister ripped through a school bus and sent it smashing into a building.
(Related: Terrifying Security Footage Reveals Moment Tornado Tore Apart Indiana High School)
A video camera aboard the school bus was rolling when the tornado hit, just moments after the bus driver and 11 elementary students fled to safety, according to Indiana’s NewsCenter.
The video begins with a still-intact bus as wind and debris quickly swirl. Audio of the bus driver reveals her giving directions to students.
“A tornado is on the ground guys. Quiet! The tornado is on the ground,” driver Angel Perry is heard saying. “Everybody stay together, all our group together, right now, go, go, go!”
According to Indianapolis ABC affiliate WRTV-TV, Perry was three miles from the school with the students on board when reports of a funnel cloud came in over the radio.
“I stopped the bus for a second, put my hands down and said, ‘Dear Lord, what do I do?’” Perry told the station. She turned the bus around and headed back for the school, where she’s heard counting students as they run into the building.
About three minutes later, the 36,000-pound bus was blown away, first slamming into a car and then lifted and carried across the road, where it crashed into a diner, WRTV reported.
God's best 2 U, Joy J
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