I just couldn't pass this story by! This guy is not lucky, he's a miracle! God protected him from sure death! I don't think I have ever heard of anyone getting a dry bite from a Black Mamba or any other poisonous snake, for that matter! This wasn't coincidence, but intervention by Creator God, and I pray this guy realizes it!
This story to me creates a clear picture of Jesus intervening on our behalf. The serpent's venom, sin, and the sure result of sin, death, no longer has power over us! Revelation 12:9, "So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Satan used the serpent to lead Eve to doubt God's character, believe the lie and then sin. Adam chose the same. God approached His children and gave them the promise of the Redeemer, and they knew that the Redeemer would come through their offspring. They were told that Jesus would be wounded by the enemy, Satan, but that Redeemer would crush Satan's head! Genesis 3:15, "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” Jesus came and lived a perfect life without taking on the venom of sin, and His blood is the antidote to cleanse us from sin! Jesus overcame death, and came out of the grave victorious for you and I! He will share eternal life with all who have chosen Him, when He comes again!
Sin is deadly, and nothing to play with!
The poison that Satan has injected into this planet cannot destroy those who are Christ's, because Christ has injected us with His antidote, and we have accepted! Jesus has made the bite of the enemy, completely dry. The venom is rendered useless against Jesus.
From TheBlaze:
Nature photographer Mark Laita will have an exhibition in Germany this February and will be releasing his next book on a project he calls Serpentine later this year. Laita knew the dangers of photographing poisonous snakes in 2010 and 2011 but didn’t even notice when he became a victim of a snake bite himself — and he captured it on film.
Laita is lucky to be alive as he was bitten by a black mamba, which is 100 percent fatal. New Scientist reports that Laita received a dry bite where no venom was injected. A doctor at the University of California, San Diego, states in this first aid guide to black mamba bites that dry bites are rare. According to New Scientist, Laita said it happened so fast that he didn’t even see the snake on his leg until he looked at his photographs the next day.
According to National Geographic, the black mamba is the longest poisonous snake in Africa and has a reputation as the world’s deadliest snake. National Geographic reports that the snake usually kills its prey within 20 minutes, and New Scientist points out that in 2006 it even took down an elephant.
New Scientist reports that Laita photographs the snakes in zoos, serpentariums, anti-venom labs and private collections, and that he thinks it’s worth the risk.

View more of Laita’s snake photographs here or check out his other projects, which include flowers and sea creatures, here.
God's best 2 U, Joy J
This story to me creates a clear picture of Jesus intervening on our behalf. The serpent's venom, sin, and the sure result of sin, death, no longer has power over us! Revelation 12:9, "So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Satan used the serpent to lead Eve to doubt God's character, believe the lie and then sin. Adam chose the same. God approached His children and gave them the promise of the Redeemer, and they knew that the Redeemer would come through their offspring. They were told that Jesus would be wounded by the enemy, Satan, but that Redeemer would crush Satan's head! Genesis 3:15, "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” Jesus came and lived a perfect life without taking on the venom of sin, and His blood is the antidote to cleanse us from sin! Jesus overcame death, and came out of the grave victorious for you and I! He will share eternal life with all who have chosen Him, when He comes again!
Sin is deadly, and nothing to play with!
The poison that Satan has injected into this planet cannot destroy those who are Christ's, because Christ has injected us with His antidote, and we have accepted! Jesus has made the bite of the enemy, completely dry. The venom is rendered useless against Jesus.
From TheBlaze:
Nature photographer Mark Laita will have an exhibition in Germany this February and will be releasing his next book on a project he calls Serpentine later this year. Laita knew the dangers of photographing poisonous snakes in 2010 and 2011 but didn’t even notice when he became a victim of a snake bite himself — and he captured it on film.
Laita is lucky to be alive as he was bitten by a black mamba, which is 100 percent fatal. New Scientist reports that Laita received a dry bite where no venom was injected. A doctor at the University of California, San Diego, states in this first aid guide to black mamba bites that dry bites are rare. According to New Scientist, Laita said it happened so fast that he didn’t even see the snake on his leg until he looked at his photographs the next day.
According to National Geographic, the black mamba is the longest poisonous snake in Africa and has a reputation as the world’s deadliest snake. National Geographic reports that the snake usually kills its prey within 20 minutes, and New Scientist points out that in 2006 it even took down an elephant.
New Scientist reports that Laita photographs the snakes in zoos, serpentariums, anti-venom labs and private collections, and that he thinks it’s worth the risk.

Blue Malaysian Coral Snake (Photo: Mark Laita)

Green Vine Snake (Photo: Mark Laita)

Albino Black Ball Python (Photo: Mark Laita)
God's best 2 U, Joy J
I have to agree with you. He's the only one I heard being bitten by a black mamba snake without any venom injected... and the only one who actually lived and survived from this specific snake's bite. Bites from this type of snake is fatal and deadly. Actually, you can see a lot of stories about black mamba snake bites (and other helpful black mamba info) here: http://www.blackmambas.net/