It's an amazing ride to go 462 mph! I would NOT be driving this vehicle! I drive fast, but there is a limit, which the cops have reminded me of a few times:-) Watch the video below and enjoy!

It seems like days go so fast, and many times we run through life without having God in our thoughts. We need to take a look at who we are(identity), why we're here(purpose) and where we're going(destination). We are either speeding towards heaven or hell. We are either living in light or darkness.
God created you unique. No one else that has ever lived or ever will live has looked like you or had your personality or talents! God created you for a specific purpose that no one else can do. He created you because He wants a relationship with you, and wants you to share Him with others! He wants to live with you in heaven.
Genesis is about Eden and the fall of humanity into sin. We have all sinned. Through the Bible God pursues His wayward children. God is pursuing you. He wants to know you as His personal friend. He loves you. If He didn't, He wouldn't have sent His only son to die for you... In the book of Revelation, Eden is restored to all those who accept Jesus as their Saviour who forgives their sins and give them His righteousness. God wants you in heaven!
Genesis is about Eden and the fall of humanity into sin. We have all sinned. Through the Bible God pursues His wayward children. God is pursuing you. He wants to know you as His personal friend. He loves you. If He didn't, He wouldn't have sent His only son to die for you... In the book of Revelation, Eden is restored to all those who accept Jesus as their Saviour who forgives their sins and give them His righteousness. God wants you in heaven!
So, think about the destination you are speeding towards. Give Jesus your heart, ask Him to change it, and let Him steer you! Proverbs 21:1 says, "The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he guides it wherever he pleases." Put your name in place of the word king...
God's best 2 U, Joy J
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