Have you ever trained for an event, and won? Maybe you didn't win, but you had a great sense of a job well done, and the feeling of satisfaction and well being that accompanies giving it your best!
Jesus gave us His best, in giving you and I, Himself. He is Creator God, and had been from eternity, but He was willing to leave His Father's side, and come down here, and miraculously be put into a womb that He created, to be born as a baby, dependent on His Heavenly Father, and a mother He had created. His birth was foretold hundreds of years in advance, through the prophet Micah in Micah 5:2, "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.”
Here is a picture of Eternal God humbling Himself to come and live on this filthy, sin infested planet, next to you and I, to become forever our Brother. This is amazing love, my friend. He then took the guilt of every human that would ever live, upon Himself, on the cross. His Father had to turn His face away. Sin separates us from God, but Jesus took the separation upon Himself, so that we don't have to. We can live with Him forever! Then Jesus resurrected, and now stands before our Heavenly Father as our advocate, against Satan's accusations that he spits at us, like a ravenous, rabid lion.
Imagine the satisfaction Jesus will feel when in heaven, He will look at the host of those He has redeemed, to live and love with Him for eternity! Job well done, Jesus, Greatest in the universe! We are your prize, and the glory is all Yours!!!!!!!
From BuzzFeed:
Jesus gave us His best, in giving you and I, Himself. He is Creator God, and had been from eternity, but He was willing to leave His Father's side, and come down here, and miraculously be put into a womb that He created, to be born as a baby, dependent on His Heavenly Father, and a mother He had created. His birth was foretold hundreds of years in advance, through the prophet Micah in Micah 5:2, "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.”
Here is a picture of Eternal God humbling Himself to come and live on this filthy, sin infested planet, next to you and I, to become forever our Brother. This is amazing love, my friend. He then took the guilt of every human that would ever live, upon Himself, on the cross. His Father had to turn His face away. Sin separates us from God, but Jesus took the separation upon Himself, so that we don't have to. We can live with Him forever! Then Jesus resurrected, and now stands before our Heavenly Father as our advocate, against Satan's accusations that he spits at us, like a ravenous, rabid lion.
Imagine the satisfaction Jesus will feel when in heaven, He will look at the host of those He has redeemed, to live and love with Him for eternity! Job well done, Jesus, Greatest in the universe! We are your prize, and the glory is all Yours!!!!!!!
From BuzzFeed:
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