I wonder if Jonah passed a Great White on his way down to the whale's belly? A smelly tummy would be preferable to razor teeth! Jonah 1:15-17, "They took Jonah and threw him overboard. Immediately the sea was quieted down.
The sailors were impressed, no longer terrified by the sea, but in awe of God. They worshiped God, offered a sacrifice, and made vows.
Then God assigned a huge fish to swallow Jonah. Jonah was in the fish's belly three days and nights.
I can just picture Jonah on YouTube telling his experience, and holding up artifacts from the whale's belly:-) He would have probably made it into the top 10!
So, if God asks you to do something, don't run in fear, but realize instead that God is responsible for giving you what you need. He will do it through you!
God's best 2 U, Joy J
Photograph by Jeb Corliss
Swim With Great White Sharks
South Africa
Thanks to the Jaws movie franchise, entire generations of otherwise adventurous people mortally fear great white sharks. Except for a few brave souls, that is, who have swum with them cageless and unharmed, such as adventurer Jeb Corliss, whose team is pictured off Mexico. Those few have figured out that even though the apex predators are some of the world's largest sharks, humans aren’t their natural prey. "We swim less than a foot away and it just passes by," says Amos Nachoum, a big-animal photographer who runs trips to see megafauna in the wild. Swimming with great whites takes patience, vigilance, the humility to retreat quickly, and, perhaps above all, guts. But, says Nachoum, "it is a spiritual experience. It's the unbearable lightness of being, seeing the beauty of such a creature."
This video(not related to the picture), is of two people swimming with Great White's without a cage! This is amazing! The one guy actually touches the shark a few times!
SOrry, but my courage meter is not high enough to try something like this!
This video(not related to the picture), is of two people swimming with Great White's without a cage! This is amazing! The one guy actually touches the shark a few times!
SOrry, but my courage meter is not high enough to try something like this!
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