Using a PC and data collected during a 13 year timeframe, Canadian anthropologist Felix Pharand created a pictorial documentary of the spread of different technologies over the world, showcasing how we‘ve ’domesticated’ Earth.

The Daily Mail reports:
Earlier this week, the United Nations Populations Fund revealed that by October 31st, there will be an extra billion people on the Earth compared to 1999.
According to the UN it has been estimated of all the humans ever born, over 6 percent, are walking the Earth today.
‘These pictures show several sides of global human activities,’ said 34-year-old Felix, from Montreal, Canada. ‘We see everything from paved and unpaved roads, light pollution, railways, electricity transmission lines.’
‘It shows the extent of our civilization, the patterns of our global sprawl, how human-influenced our planet now is.’
I copied these photos and info off of www.theblaze.com
The top satellite photo is Africa's road, rail and data transmission Lines. Look closely and you can see the data cables running under the sea.
The middle photo is air traffic over Eurasia, and the bottom photo is air traffic between America and Europe! Images are by Felix Pharand of the Daily Mail.
As of right now, 3 percent of the earth — about the size of India — is covered in asphalt Pharand said to the Daily Mail. But he’s not despondent about the state of technological growth and domestication by humans. The Daily Mail reports him as saying “‘Many human activities reached take-off points sometime in the mid-20th Century and sharply accelerated towards the end of the century. These shots are a tool to raise awareness – I think we have a duty to remain optimistic in our hearts.”
Daniel 12:4 says, "But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase."
We are living in the time of the end friends. Get to know Jesus:-) He loves you and He is coming very soon!!!!!!! Knowledge of the endtime Daniel prophecies has increased also!
Check out my other blog, www.ohmy2u.blogspot.com
God's best 2 U, Joy J
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